Australia Day Regatta 2011 - From this regatta, we have contributions from several sources.
A mix of pictures from the regatta, some from John Jeremy and others from my camera or that of John Brooks, for which many thanks. PK
Margaret motoring around the committee boat prior to the start.
Crew: Bruce Gould Helm, John Brooks Main, John Moorcroft and PK on Geona and foredeck, Prue, Kaye and Yeve on trim and drinks...
A close up of the crew...
Margaret, just ahead of Hearts Ease to windward and abaft...
After the ball... the drinks arrive... and the gear is furled...
The winners are grinners (we think)
Brooksy, resting after a long squawk on the main...
Nigel and Fidelis up close...
Fidelis crew "Resting after a hard day on the water"...
SANA, under full canvas, getting ready for the start...